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Suatu ketika telinga butuh jeda dari bising dunia, dari suara-suara tanpa nada dan kata yang kehilangan makna. Layaknya malam, yang sejenak sembunyi dari hiruk pikuk siang, terik yang menyengat.  Berhentilah bersuara, berteriak, memaki, mengeluh, menghakimi, agar tenang sekejap dan angin memanjakan telinga.  Dan dunia tidak harus selalu dihiasi oleh suara sumbangmu. Maka berhentilah berbicara, untuk mendengarkan dunia. 

The one thing I don't have right now

It's just a title of small performance I plan to watch this sunday. Only it resembles my life, makes me think of something that I don't have in my life right now, something that's still missing.

I have a good job with a good pay ~ yes of course, with hard times as well ~, and I'm very grateful for that. I have a complete family, albeit some problems here and there, not perfect but still a complete one. I'm also very thankful for that. I have wonderful friends and colleagues, which help me grow in their own way.

But then, I feel something missing here, inside, something that I don't have. The one thing that I don't have right now.


riohendra said…
i love you

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